If your password is a phrase, consider capitalizing the first letter of the words to help you remember them easier.
It isn't usually a one time slip up, but some type of pattern that repeats itself - one jerk after another, always resulting with a broken heart and a swollen face full of masquera infused tears.
And you know when you've got a guy who's not acting right because you're probably quick to tell your girlfriends what to do the minute their boyfriends start acting up.
We don't feel comfortable with people who treat us better than we treat ourselves.
So, without further adieu, I present to you a list of potentially controversial reasons why women love the badboy.
The nice guys, on the other hand, are emotional and soft, and would barely hurt a fly.
Description: It is in my experience that most women have only a vague recollection of what they want in a possible mate.