With fun questions like these, you'll literally never run out of things to talk about.
Some guys are still holding on to old flames.
What is the best part about being in a relationship? Would you rather walk in public holding hands or be romantic only in the house? Would you rather read a romantic novel together or watch a romantic movie together? Would you rather explore space and find a new planet or explore the ocean and find sunken treasure? Would you rather find out your long standing conspiracy theory was true or find out a juicy piece of gossip only you knew? First, these questions cover the basics and interesting aspects of life.
Would you rather give control to your girlfriend in bed or take lead yourself? Would you rather exercise together or watch a movie together? We've rounded up the most interesting questions to spark great conversations about anything and everything.
Would you rather believe in something that no one else believes or hold in a secret no one else knows? Would you rather have me change a few of my characters or just remain the way I am? If you have just started dating, you can use would you rather to get to know her better and find out what she thinks about things.
A rough question, but an honest answer tells you a lot about her.
Description: Would you rather cuddle and watch movies or go out and adventure?